„Follow me!“ this invitation, which has been spoken countless times, is still repeated in our days!
Pope Francis said in his message to the 52nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations on 26th April, 2015: "Dear young friends, you should not be afraid to go out from yourself and begin the journey! The Gospel is the word that gives freedom to our life, transforms it and makes our life all the more beautiful. How wonderful it is to be surprised by God’s call, to embrace his word, and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, in adoration of the divine mystery and in generous service to our neighbours! Your life will be richer and more joyful each day!"
You have been surprised by God’s call and find yourself looking for an appropriate vocation in your life? You're ready to begin the journey and to give an answer of faith to this call? For you then applies this question/invitation: Did you already once thought about becoming a Sister of Divine Providence?
If you have a desire to learn more about us, about our lifestyle in the discipleship of Jesus Christ as a Religious, of our community life and our mission, get in contact with us! To do this see the addresses below. Through the vocation Ministry, you will get the opportunity to be accompanied in the discernment of your call. And..., don't forget: "I have loved you with an everlasting love!" (Jeremiah 31.3) What will your answer be to such a great love?
Contact person:
- Sister Gloria Mzava - Trinity Convent, P.O. Box 51937, Limbe, Malawi; Contact numbers: 00265882138942 and 00265994816595
- Sister Maristela Christiano – Florianópolis/SC, Brazil; Email: christiano.maristela@gmail.com
- Sister Neuza Cardoso Lima – Montes Claros/MG, Brazil; Email: irneuzaidp@yahoo.com.br
- Sister Sueli Maria Tavares - Curitiba/PR, Brazil; Email: suelimt2013@yahoo.com.br
- Sister Maria Helmi Mohr - Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil; Email: helmiidp@yahoo.com.br
- Sister Elizabeth Alves da Silva and Sister Almira dos Santos – Cuiabá/MT, Brazil; Email: silva0309@gmail.com and almiraidp@gmail.com
- Sister Marian and Sister Kurnia – Semarang, Indonesia; Email: lmarian.idp@gmail.com and vkurniapi@gmail.com
- Sister Irmgard Dirks – Münster, Germany; Email: Irmgard_Dirks@web.de