26. Meeting of the German-speaking Providence Sisters at the Provincial House - Friedrichsburg
„Because you are precious to me“„Because you are precious to me – the human (person) in the loving gaze of God’s Providence“- under this theme, the 26th meeting of the German-speaking Providence Sisters took place from 5 to 8...[more]
International Network for the defense of life
Share actionsI'm Sister Marfiza Marcelino da Silva, I belong to the Holy Trinity Province, Curitiba. Since 2015, I work as a volunteer at the migrant pastoral ministry on three days a week, with a full-time job. The migrant’s...[more]
Dance of Seniors
A group of older sisters from the province of the Holy Trinity – Curitiba, performed a senior dance at the opening of the "Aula Magna" of the post-graduate course of Gerontology at the University Center "Uni Dom...[more]
AICAS – 25 years in the service of fragile life
„Associação Intercomunitária de Atendimento Social", which means: „ Inter-communitarian Association for social work" celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. Its institutional mission is “to promote the development...[more]
Baptized and sent: The Church of Christ a missionary in the world
It is with joy that the Holy Trinity Province sends two sisters to the mission Ad Gentes. Sister Diva Cecília Schneider goes to Mozambique-Africa, and Sister Iolanda de Oliveira Carneiro to Riberalta/Bolivia. It is a church...[more]
Mission days in Novo Triunfo
With joy, we greet you from Novo Triunfo/Bahia, Brazil!"Baptized and sent" this is the theme that we want to deepen in the 23 communities of the St. Peter’s parish to celebrate its 10th anniversary. This experience...[more]
Jubilee Celebration
On July 07, 2019, the Holy Trinity Province celebrated the religious anniversaries of the following sisters: Sr. Cornélia Bussolo: 75 years of religious life (brilliant anniversary) Sr. Josélia Brod, Sr. Pelágia Schuelter, Sr....[more]
Meeting in Latin America
From 24-27 June 2019, a meeting of the General Coordination with the Latin American Provincial / Regional coordinators and with the Commissions took place in Florianópolis. At this meeting a new stage of the process of the...[more]
5. meeting of the peoples of the São Francisco-Basin in Minas Gerais/Brazil
In the mirror of life: people and the river identify themselves as one single "body" in the resistance In Januária, from 07th-09th June, 2019, the 5th meeting took place of networking the peoples that live in the São...[more]
Feast of Holy Trinity
With joy we greet you, dear Sister, to celebrate the highest feast of our international congregation! We are on the way to the 29th General Chapter, which will be held at the Holy Trinity Province, in Curitiba. That's...[more]
We SDP believe that we are taken into the relationship of the loving Trinity. It encourages and enables us to a spirituality of encounter, relationship and dialogue.
Our faith can give us a cheerful serenity within the challenges of our everyday life. It gives us the power to an ever new reconciliation with one another and urges us to a freedom that at the same time takes over responsibility.
We are convinced that our God wants life for everyone, life to the full. In him we acknowledge the dignity of every person and all life and are aware of our responsibility for the preservation of creation. Our conviction enkindles within us a deep joy of life and the courage to dare new things again and again.
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48143 Münster
Telefon: 0251 41350