Katholikentag-(Catholic Convention) in Muenster
From 9th-13th May 2018 the 101st Katholikentag (*) - Catholic Convention - takes place in Münster, this time under the theme “seek peace" (from Psalm 34). It is a very topical issue because we all long for peace.We know that...[more]
Seminar of the Brazilian Religious Conference
May 4th -8th, 2018, the seminar of consecrated religious life took place in Aparecida / Brazil. It was organized by the Brazilian Religious Conference and had as its main theme: "Mysticism and prophecy in the common...[more]
Here we go: Sisters of Divine Providence as construction women…
After almost three years of intensive planning our new provincial- and two sister-houses, the official ‘ground-breaking’ ceremony for the construction took place on May 2nd, 2018. This is something quite unique for us Providence...[more]
Meeting of the Commission for Up-dating the Constitutions
The Commission for the updating of the constitutions is gathering together for a meeting at the provincial house in Florianópolis/SC in Brazil from April, 4 to May 4, 2018. Its main goal is to write the initial draft of the...[more]
Golden Jubilee of Religious Life of Sister Laetitia Janßen
On April 15, 2018, the ‘Heart of Jesus Province’ celebrated with great joy the 50th anniversary of religious life of Sr. Laetitia. Sister Laetitia is a member of the German Province and is at present in Florianópolis...[more]
Sr. Márian as a representative of DOK in ÖLAK
Last week, the Secretariat of the German Bishops Conference sent the following good News to Sr. Márian, our General Coordinator:“Dear Sister Márian Ambrosio, at the suggestion of Adveniat and the DOK the “World Church Conference”...[more]
World Youth Day
On 24th an 25th March we made a pilgrimage with young people of the Diocese of Nampula/Mozambique to the sanctuary of "St. Mary Mother of the Savior". These were days of prayer, reflection and sharing in the light of...[more]
Easter! "It is the Lord!"
With our Easter greetings we invite to a meditation on the scene of the apparition at the sea of Tiberias (jn 21, 1-25). This story reminds us of the faith process of the disciples: The disciples return to their former job as...[more]
Appointment of Sr. Laura as General Economist of the Congregation
On March 15, during a session of the General Coordination, Sr. Laura Hardjadinata was officially appointed to be the General Economist of the congregation. Her appointment was accompanied with words of thanks for her ‘Yes’...[more]
Sr. Maria Rita celebrates her Silver-Jubilee of Religious Life
On March 11, Laetare Sunday in the Season of Lent, the Generalate community experienced the great joy of celebrating the silver anniversary of Sister Maria Rita Xavier Mendes. The celebration stretched out over the whole...[more]
We SDP believe that we are taken into the relationship of the loving Trinity. It encourages and enables us to a spirituality of encounter, relationship and dialogue.
Our faith can give us a cheerful serenity within the challenges of our everyday life. It gives us the power to an ever new reconciliation with one another and urges us to a freedom that at the same time takes over responsibility.
We are convinced that our God wants life for everyone, life to the full. In him we acknowledge the dignity of every person and all life and are aware of our responsibility for the preservation of creation. Our conviction enkindles within us a deep joy of life and the courage to dare new things again and again.
Breul 22 a
48143 Münster
Telefon: 0251 41350