Admission to the Novitiate in Indonesia
On June 23, 2023, the Postulant-Novitiate-Community of the Indonesian Province experienced a special happiness, which is also a gift for our entire Congregation. After two postulants had undergone the formation process in the postulancy, they had the courage to continue religious formation. Therefore, they were admitted to the first year in the novitiate.
Sister Klarista SDP called the two postulants and appointed them novices of the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence - Province of Indonesia: Stefania Maria Anjela Opat, is now called Sr. Angelia, and Lasmian Tiodora Samosir, is now called Sr. Ivania. To celebrate this step in their formation process, the two had chosen the Gospel of Mark 10:28-31, which speaks of "the rewards in following Jesus".
Sister Angelia told that during her time as a postulant she experienced much of God's love, which she understood as a reward for her life of following Jesus. She expressed her gratitude through the symbol of a beautiful flower created by God. That's what she wants to continue watering and caring for it so that it remains beautiful and becomes a blessing for others. She wants to build a deeper relationship with God, to contribute freely, sincerely and faithfully to the community through prayer and daily tasks.
Sister Ivania wants to dedicate her life to others and be a blessing to them, even in simple simplicity. Through an open heart and a willingness to constantly repent and be guided, she wants to develop a closer relationship with God. That is why she has chosen as a symbol a white sheet of paper ready to be written on by God. She gives herself with an open heart and wants to accept every person, who is written on the white paper, thus transforming life stories, helping those with happy and bitter experiences.
May the zeal of Sr. Angela and Sr. Ivania continue throughout the novitiate and be a strength to them in their formation journey! Congratulations, Sister Ivania and Sister Angela!