Beginning of our vocational journey in Malawi
It was a very joyful and Fantastic moment for each one of us that we had to go to St. Monica to start our way as pre-postulants. As we all came from different districts across Malawi we felt very excited to meet there. As it was our first time to start our formation to religious life in Divine Providence.
We Started our journey as a group of five members, we got to know the sisters better and became more interested for witnessing God's love and Christian hope to everybody when we often visited the poor and old people those who needed our help. Through the sisters, we really felt attracted to the beautiful Charism of our Congregation.
After spending eight months in Mangochi, we still felt an urge to continue with our vocation, of which after two weeks holiday we came to Eduard Michelis Formation house to start with postulancy stage. We arrived here on 3rd October and on 1st November we started with Tridium in preparation for something great in our lives which was postulancy. During our Tridium we felt like the time when Jesus went to the Mountain to pray and fasted for 40 Days, in preparation for something great in his mission. We experienced that before starting everything important we need to pray first.
On 3rd was a very great day when we started with our postulancy right on the foundation day of the congregation in the same year when the 180 of foundation is being celebrated. We were touched with the advice of the father who celebrated the mass when he said that we have started the journey we don’t need to get tired we have to continue running till we reach the goal. The Homily cultivated in us a hard working spirit in our life and to live a prophetic life always. Joyful songs were sung by the Junior Sisters who were also renewing their vows at the same time. we felt true happiness in our lives.
Thereafter the celebration at Eduard Michelis formation house, we continued at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Muona on 5th November where we celebrated the 180 years and we witnessed the final vows of Sr Grace Tsoka and the first professional of Sr Rhoda Limani. The 180 years marked the unforgettable inspiration in our hearts. To let the poor experience God's love through us, after this event every Afternoon we visited old people and helped them in the planting of maize especially to those who cannot walk as part of sharing god's love to all, and indeed we felt that we are God's hands to all.
Finally, we thank God for His Divine Providence in each one of us that unites us as children of one family. This helps us to grow more and more spiritually as our hearts burns with zeal.