Knitting gratitude and sharing hope
On December 7, 2024, we, Sisters of Divine Providence of the Indonesian Province, remembered with gratitude the 90th anniversary of the Mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Indonesia and the 70th anniversary of the "Province of Mary Star of the Sea".
We are also grateful for the vocation of the sisters who celebrated their 25th, 40th, 50th and 60th anniversaries: Dewi (25 years), Dorothe (40 years), Virgo, Caritas, Stefani, Theodora (50 years) and Paulina (60 years).
The Eucharistic celebration was celebrated by Bishop Robertus Rubiatmoko, accompanied by two other priests and Cardinal Emeritus Julius Darmaatmaja, in St. Theresia Bongsari – Semarang. In addition to the Sisters of Divine Providence, the celebration was attended by Religious of various congregations, family members of the jubilarians, friends of Providence, colleagues, representatives of interreligious faith communities and representatives of the government, as well as sympathizers of young people. The Eucharistic celebration was magnificent and lively, accompanied by a choir of teachers and collaborators of the Sisters.
After the Eucharistic celebration, the group of the "Barongsai Attraction" of Kebon Dalem Primary School stood in front of the church to take guests who were leaving the church to the Grha Argya Hall next to the church. Upon arrival at the hall, they were greeted by Kebon Dalem High School with a traditional music gamelan Gambang Semarang until the sisters and invited guests took their seats. Afterwards, the audience saw a musical drama performed by the Kebon Dalem Kindergarten, Primary School and ‘Middle School’ which told the story of the presence of the first seven missionaries from the Netherlands up to the development of the Sisters' work today. The musical drama with 50 employees was presented in the form of choreographed dance and music, accompanied by a very interesting and captivating narrative. Thank you very much for the good cooperation of the team and everyone who gave their best for this event!
Tua Providentia Pater Gubernat.
(Sr. Yulia SDP)