The national meeting "A cry for life" took place from 18 to 21 October 2018 in the São Francis Convent in São Paulo. The main theme was: violence against women and human trafficking.
These were days of reflection, of studying and deepening, in which the coordinators from 24 Brazilian States participated.
It is our mission to build awareness, to train multipliers, inform and mobilize, to build partnerships and to fight for public policy to prevent human trafficking.
It is an inter-congregational network, which consists of religious / laity. All are volunteers. The network understands human trafficking as an attack on human dignity, as a serious violation of human rights, as a heinous crime, which restricts freedom, establishes goods and kills life.
During the meeting, several sub-themes have been developed relating to the central theme: the focus was on human trafficking and violence against women. Sister Leonarda, representative of the religious Conference of Brazil (CRB) pointed out: "The national CRB thanks the laity, the religious and their congregations, because they have left their places of residence and work these days, for sharing, for the celebration Life and for engaging themselves on the path of endured life. As members of the network "A cry for life" we are here for each other to strengthen one another in this mission that is entrusted to us by the God of life. God be praised through you, your congregations and communities and all individuals, groups and organizations that are in the service of the Kingdom of God”.
Of the various consultancies, we mention:
Dr. Cláudia Luna who spoke about the legal system that guarantees the defense of women's rights. She pointed out two important features of Brazilian society: Machismo and racism. Women do hardly benefit from the laws which, theoretically, are almost perfect, however by which one does not act. She also referred to domestic violence and all other types of violence against women (humiliation, discrimination, inequality of rights, etc.).
Dr. Sílvia worked out with us the steps that are to go when dealing with cases of human trafficking. She spoke about several cases.
We also had help and considerations by the psychologist Sister Marina, who spoke about how to welcome the victims of trafficking and their families and how to listen to them.
During the meeting, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas about materials, to establish contacts that were used in our work in the different regions of the country. Sister Celestina from the national coordination helped us in the manner how we could use social media in our communications, to rethink and how to evaluate. This can be an instrument to support and for the prevention of victims so that youth, women, and children do not fall into the trap of human trafficking. We must observe ethics, caution and the good for everyone. We must use the networks for our benefit, to facilitate our communication. We should have a protective look on the victims and their families.
After we had this information, each team met with the respective regional coordination, planning perspectives and activities for the year 2019. Many questions have surfaced, and a lot has been taken up. All left the meeting very enthusiastically, and returned to their reality, to share with their group and to motivate them to continue the beautiful mission in defense of life, in the certainty of being protected by Holy Bakhita, the patron saint of the people, who are affected by human trafficking and abuse.
May we take always this serious situation of human trafficking, which is very present and rooted in our reality and which claims so many victims, near and far from us, and around the world - into our prayers.
May Holy Bakhita bless and protect us always!
Sister Valmí Bohn – Providence Sister
National coordinator of the network „A cry for life“
Breul 22 a
48143 Münster
Telefon: 0251 41350