Foundation Feast of our Congregation in the Indonesian Province
To express the gratitude and joy over the 174 years of our history, the communities of the Indonesian province carried out a variety of activities: there were festive Eucharistic celebrations in all communities and interconnected communities.
The community in Kupang invited neighbours and friends to celebrate the Eucharist together, and had a meal with those present afterwards.
To express their gratitude over this ocasion, the novitiate community wanted to give the Poor joy, such as the rickshaw drivers and the rubbish collectors in Mojosongo, Solo.
The communities in Bandung, Tamiyang Layang, Banjarmasin, Semarang, Kudus and Temanggung, whose main task lies in education, celebrated the foundation day with schoolchildren, teachers and employees. They celebrated the Eucharist in the St. Yosep School. In addition, the sisters in Bandung invited all employees, children and students from kindergarten up to high school, to be with them to open the special ‘Year of Mercy’, which began at that day in preparation of the 175th anniversary on 3 November 2017.
The sisters received also many greetings and signs of thanks for their presence. The Staff and children from the school of Kebon Dalem visited the sisters of the Provincial House and one student read a poem of our Founder Eduard Michelis. Also some communities received birthday cakes as an expression of gratitude for the commitment of the Providence Sisters.
All this, the greetings and the support of the children, staff and friends are for the Sisters signs of the Merciful God, who is working in the life of our congregation.
The grateful foundational feast applies not only to the Sisters of Divine Providence, but also to all who are on the way with the sisters and, as well as to all those, who belong to our congregation.