Perpetual Vows of Sister Marinês in Brazil
"If anyone wants to go after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." (Mark 8,34)
From 7 to 12 October 2024, we held the vocation week in view of the perpetual vows of Sr. Marinês da Silva Bezerra. A beautiful and lively team of Missionaries, consisting of: our sisters, the Missionary Sisters of St. Joseph of Osaka and the Franciscan Sisters of Siessen, Priests and Called Ones, enlivened our vocation week. These were days of intense experience, impulses and learning, with the People of God in rural communities, in schools, in family groups, with the Messengers of Divine Providence, in catechesis lessons, with the youth and during the Triduum.
With joy and gratitude, we celebrated the Perpetual Vows of Sister Marinês on October 13 at 9 a.m. The celebration was presided over by Bishop Sebastião Bandeira Coelho in the parish of Santa Luzia, diocese of Coroatá, in Presidente Vargas/MA. Present were: Sr. Beatriz Zanatta, Provincial Coordinator, Sr. Maria Eloní Coczenski and Sr. Sueli Tavares, Provincial Councilors, other Sisters of Divine Providence, members of other congregation, family, friends, parishioners.
Sr. Marinês put it this way: "It was a beautiful and moving celebration of devotion to God and the Church in the service of the Kingdom of God as a Sister of Divine Providence." And the public announcement of my final profession in my home church was a cause for joy, hope and blessing.
I thank the providential God who loves, calls and sends, and the entire congregation for their prayers and closeness. I continue to ask you for your prayers so that I may remain faithful to God's call and consecration. May God bless you all!"
Our thanks go to the family of Sr. Marinês, who placed their daughter in the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence for the service of the Kingdom of God. Our thanks also go to all those who supported this young woman, believed in her vocation and participated in her formation. May we continue to support her life in mission.