Retreat for employees in Florianópolis, Brazil
From 30th September to 1st October, the province of Florianópolis offered a retreat for their employees. It took place at the provincial house under the direction of Fr. Adalberto Donadelli, Junior. It was an intensive and prayerful two-day retreat.
Fernanda Kichler and Lorecí Terezinha Cirino, who work in the kindergarten Mont' serrat, at the outskirts of the city Florianópolis, participated in the retreat and told us about their experiences:
"I could withdraw from my daily activities and reflect about my personal and professional life. The inputs and reflections renewed my visions regards my job, gave me greater clarity about how to relate to people and about my behaviour in different situations. These days strengthened in me the joy of living as well as my desire to be with my family and in my working environment". (Fernanda)
"For me, this retreat was very important. I could withdraw reflect about my life and its values, better understand the Bible, have consideration towards my neighbours and not only to rotate about myself. It became clear that a life without values is like a dry branch; Time goes by so quickly and we don’t recognize nor enjoy the wonderful things that God has given us." (Lorecí)
Ana Caroline Decker de Freitas works in the provincial secretariate and tells us the following:
"P. Adalberto spoke about the importance of silence in our life so that we reflect on our actions take decisions and become able to hear God's voice. Based on the parables from the Gospel of St. Luke he talked also about mercy. In groups, we worked out an idea for a life project that takes into account both, the personal and the community dimension; these projects, we want to take to our jobs and realize them there until the end of the ‘Year of the Mercy’. The retreats closed with celebrating the Eucharist, in which some of the life projects were shared."
The provincial coordination expresses its gratitude for the team that organized this retreat and thus contributed to the reflection and to the spiritual growth of our employees.
(the picture shows: Ana Caroline, Fernanda and Lorecí)