Feast of the Holy Trinity
Dear Sister,
May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you! (2 Cor 14:14) Like Saint Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians, we greet each one of you with love!
"Feast of the Holy Trinity - Solemnity of our Congregation". Today, (...) we, the Sisters of Divine Providence, celebrate with the Church the deepest mystery of the Catholic Faith. We faithfully confess that the Son comes out of the Father as eternal Knowledge and that the Father and the Son embrace each other in the love of the Holy Spirit. Divine Providence is founded on this eternal fulfillment and love in which we feel secure and of which we must live and work..." (ref. Constitutions, 1984, page 137)
On our card you see a familiar symbol of the Trinity: three candles and a flame. The three flames of the candles combine into one great flame. The one God is like a very great and living flame of love in which the three Divine persons are completely one.
Dear Sisters, the one great "flame of love" is a sign of unity for our international congregation and binds us together. God, who is relationship and gives love, enables and sustains our human community.
We are all called to witness and proclaim with our lives, that "God is love", that God is present and sensitive to the human situation. He is close to us, always at our side, walking with us in the realities in which we find ourselves.
We praise HIM for this specific mystery, but also for the unity of God.
We praise Him and thank Him because He is Love, and because He calls us to enter into the relationship of love with Him and all people.
In union with the Triune God, may we celebrate this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity with confidence that He is always present in us, among us and all creation.
With love and prayers,
The Sisters of the General Coordination