International visit to AICAS in Porto Alegre, Brazil!
What a wonderful experience we had at the AICAS (an Inter-communitarian social project) on 11 March 2019 in the afternoon! It was so beautiful, intense, with dialogue, with much sharing, an expression of Communio.
Two sisters of Divine Providence from Indonesia were there: Sr. Laura Titin R. Hardjardinata and Sr. Yulia Maselina Silalahi. Also two sisters from the provincial coordination of Porto Alegre visited us: Sr. Mª Beatriz Mohr and Sr. Aline Elisa Ody. It was a unique opportunity to combine worlds, cultures, same desires and to engage for those, who need it most. Thank you, Laura, Yulia, Mª Beatriz and Aline! We were all enriched and strengthened, to continue our lives in this mission. AICAS is an inter-congregational work!
Touching and also even shocking was the testimony of one of the AICAS social educators, who said that such visits give strength at a time, where we're on the road not knowing what to do with all the vulnerable people being in so many difficulties. Here then we are reminded that people from afar, from other countries, do remember us and support our work.
We feel strengthened, to continue to fight for life.
After the meeting of our economists from Latin America, which took place in Curitiba, Sister Laura, the General Economist of our congregation, took the opportunity to get to know the work/institutions of the "Mother of Providence" province, in Porto Alegre. Therefore, she visited some of the institutions.
You are always welcome, Sr. Laura!
(Sr. Maria Helena Lorscheiter)