Katholikentag-(Catholic Convention) in Muenster
From 9th-13th May 2018 the 101st Katholikentag (*) - Catholic Convention - takes place in Münster, this time under the theme “seek peace" (from Psalm 34). It is a very topical issue because we all long for peace.
We know that peace is a gift from God, but it requires also our daily human effort. That's why we ask for peace for all participants of this Catholic day, for our families and communities, for our cities and countries, for the whole of humanity and the world.
Münster is the cradle of our congregation. Therefore we attend this meeting - from near and far – with great interest and wish it may be fruitful and blessed.
(*) Katholikentag – Catholic Convention - are multi-day meetings of the Catholic Faithful and normally takes place every 2nd year. In Germany the Katholikentag is conducted since 1848, in Austria since 1877 and in Switzerland since 1903.