“Let us go out and commit ourselves for life in a mystical-prophetic religious life”.
With this topic began the chapter meeting of the "Region Mineira da Providência" in Montes Claros / Minas Gerais, Brazil, on the morning of Thursday, November 22, 2018.
The regional chapter goes until November 24. The closure will take place towards the evening. These days are under the following motto: "Mary stood up immediately and went out to meet Jesus" (Jn 11, 29).
At the opening ceremony at 8: 00 o’clock were present: Sr. Márian Ambrosio and Sr. Maria Rita Xavier Mendes from the General coordination, Sr. Sandra Roaris, Coordinator of the Heart of Jesus Province as well as all Sisters of the Region.
With great joy and with faith in Divine Providence, which stimulates us to live a mystical-prophetic Mission here in the North of Minas Gerais and in the whole world, the Regional coordinator, Sr. Pureza Madalena de Jesus, said the Opening Word of the 5th Regional chapter.
In her words, Sr. Pureza remembered the various surprises that had showed up over the last five years in the Region and which had demanded again and again to give new responses out of faith. Now, after an intense year of preparation, the moment had come, to return - everything that belonged to this term - thankfully back into the hands of God. In His love, He accompanied our steps, enlightened us in our decisions and saw to it that life could thrive - even though we were not able to achieve everything, what we had planned to do.
At the end she said words of thanks to all those, who have supported the Region and their mission during this period, particularly to the General coordination, the Provinces and Regions, namely to the Heart of Jesus Province, but as well as to all the Sisters of her own Region and to all the providers/workers in the Communities.
(Region Mineira da Providência)