Visit to Mozambique!
God surprises us through people. These surprises lead us to praise and praise the author of life and Mission. Our hearts are moved and full of joy because of the wonderful experiences of the last days.
Malawi and Mozambique are neighbouring countries. But there are gestures that bring us closer and enable us to get to know each other as sisters! On 8 August of this year, Sr. Maria Rita visited the two communities in Mozambique and spoke about the proposed visit of a group of Malawian sisters. When this visit was confirmed for September 18-25, 2019, we began preparations to welcome them hospitably.
At noon on September 18, Sr. Diva and Sr. Evanir from Entre-Lagos, the border area between the two countries, went to Nayuchy, Malawi, to receive the Malawian sisters who were to come by train. The joy of the reception of the five sisters was great: Elizabeth, Dora, Glaria, Edith (from the formation team) and Maria Teresa. This afternoon they were able to learn about the homes of Entre-Lagos (which accommodate students).
On the 19th, at 7:30 AM, they drove to Nampula with the car from the "Mission Divine Providence". This journey lasted eight hours. Getting to know the city of Nampula, broadened the horizon of the visitors. Sunday was especially important because the sisters from Malawi were able to visit the places where the sisters of the "Community of Pilgrim Jesus" work. They were divided into three groups with Sr. Laudeci, Sr. Celéria and the Aspirants. Two groups attended services in two different places, and one group attended a meeting of the Vocation Pastoral (with adolescents and young people) in the parish of St. Mary. On the return from these places of the mission, the joy was contagious.
On the 23rd, the visitors returned to Entre-Lagos. They were thrilled by the days in Nampula. Until the 25th they were able to get to know something about the mission, e.g.: conversations with the students of the home and care of sick students, meeting with some leaders, market visit, participation in moments of the celebration of the independence of Mozambique from Portugal.
Unfortunately, the moment of leave-taking came. After lunch, Sr. Diva and Sr. Evanir took them to Nayuchy, where they took the train to their communities. They still had a long way to go!
In summary, we can say that these were blessed days that enabled us to have simple and joyful encounters and a valuable exchange about life and mission, dreams and hopes. The desire for a joint mission and mutual support is growing. We feel like we are in the pottery of God. Providence shapes us. "Look, now I'm doing something new... Don't you notice?" (Is 43:19). God surprises us with something new that comes like a gentle, quiet, silent, simple breeze, but which gets us moving. May we have the grace and courage to keep hearts and thoughts open to go new paths in the mission and formation in Africa.
(The Sisters of Mozambique)