Solidarity gesture at the ‘Three Kings-singing Action’
Combined with the solemnity of the Epiphany the "Three Kings-singing action " is performed here in Germany. In other words, we could describe this action also as : "Children help children". It is the largest solidarity action by children for children worldwide.
This year's 61st ‘Three Kings-singing action’ stands under the motto "bring blessings, be a blessing. We belong together - in Peru and around the world!"
This year the action is looking particularly to the situation of children with disabilities in Peru. (On the Web site: ‘www.sternsinger.de’ you find more information about the action of Three King-singing 2019)
Last Saturday, 05th January, we happily received a group of children under the guidance of two mothers in our Generalate in Münster. Before moving to the next House, they wrote at our front door: 20 * C + M + B + 19. This means "Christ mansionem benedicat - Christ bless this House".
We give thanked them for this gesture of solidarity, and for showing their warm kindness that doesn't shy away from the cold and wet winter’s days. And this they repeat every year. A real blessing, a boon, for countless children around the world!
At the same time, we say THANKS to all the people, who, in many parts of the world, have engaged - one way or the other-, in projects of the congregation, or have given donations in the year 2018. May God bless them all!