Christmas 2024
Dear Sisters,
The image on our card expresses in its contours and movements the love that surrounds the mystery of the Incarnation. Before him, reason falls silent and gives voice and expression to tenderness and compassion. These, in turn, reveal God's closeness to humanity, especially where humanity is most fragile and threatened.
The bronze sculpture of the Holy Family by Joseph Krautwald on our Christmas card is in the St. Mauritz child and youth welfare service home. On the sculpture you can see the intimate closeness of mother and child. The mother bends lovingly towards the child, and St. Joseph surrounds mother and child with his robe like a protective mantle. This is exactly what the children and young people in the St. Mauritz children's home, which we can also call the House of Light, have experienced again and again.
There, the mission of our Congregation in Münster began. This program grew and was able to cross borders, thus fulfilling the words of Franz Spiegel, friend of the founder Fr Eduard Michelis and co-founder: "(...) The sisters are not only there for the few children of the Mauritz orphanage, they are supposed to form a kind of mission and go far to look everywhere for what was lost." During the 182 years of our existence, many sisters have given their lives on this "sacred ground" and used their gifts in the care of children and their families.
This year, after a long decision-making process, we said goodbye to this place. We know, however, that the legacy of the founding charism will remain alive in the history of our institution, which continues its mission. The mission that began in St. Mauritz has spread all over the world.
In union with our international Congregation, we thank the God of Providence for this beautiful and meaningful story.
We are invited to contemplate the image of the Holy Family and to let ourselves be touched by the mystery of the Incarnation. This mystery touches and embraces the whole of creation. In it, everything appears to us in a new light and meaning.
In our contemplation, we can also learn to understand the meaning of the word "pilgrimage". In His infinite love, God had the family of Nazareth in mind. So, it - the holy family -, set out again and again in response to His word in order to realize His plan of salvation. Every year they made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover feast according to the law (cf. Lk 2:41). Moved by this example of fidelity, we are called to live the Holy Year of the Church and the preparation for our 30th General Chapter as pilgrims of hope, allowing the signs of the Kingdom of God to shine through in our lives.
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year in trust to the presence of the Triune and Providential God!
With love, yours sincerely,
Sr. Lydia, Sr. Maria Rita, Sr. Maria Beatriz, Sr. Christa, Sr. Prisca