Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Friends of the Sisters of Divine Providence,
Our congregation was founded in Münster, almost 175 years ago, and the first sisters began their work in caring for orphans. From Germany, the sisters spread into the wide world and responded with their help always to the needs of the time, at the given place. Thus, in schools, we offered educational work and in hospitals, treatments and preventive health care; Anti-drug projects were developed, AIDS-education and prevention carried out.
One focus of our work is the work with women and children. Currently our mission areas are located in Indonesia, Africa - Malawi and Mozambique - and in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.
Today, we fight also in many places against injustice in this world and are committed to life, to a life in fullness for all.
If you want to support our work, we appreciate any financial help that we employ directly, without any deduction of administrative costs, in our projects on site.
For donations, sent to us for Church, charitable or non-profit purposes, we are eligible to issue certificates of donation for the Finance Ministry.