The Horizon that we have chosen as a congregation for the term of office from 2020 to 2025 is, in particular, in the continuity of the Horizon that was chosen in 2015 and has guided us for the last five years. On this occasion, we were invited to distance ourselves from our own needs and to move to our deepest longing, to our original desire of following Jesus Christ. In the various impulses that we have chosen, we can see a twofold message that has to do with our faith and our mission: Our Horizon is Jesus Christ! We are witnesses of God’s Providence! This choice encourages us to focus our being as Sisters of Divine Providence on Jesus Christ and to be deeply rooted in the founding charism. Our Horizon that will guide and inspire us in the coming years has given us new impulses, which we have perceived as challenges, calls and lights during the chapter process:
Our horizon is Jesus Christ!
In light of the Word of God and attentive to the signs of times,
in an attitude of hope and joy
as mystical-prophetic Religious Life
in synodality and interculturality,
confidently we go out in defense of life.
We are signs of Divine Providence.