The current Constitutions, approved in 1984, are grown from our lives, because they are the result of long, common efforts on the part of all Sisters of our Congregation. In accordance with the charge given by the Church, they are inspired by the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
Due to the profound and rapid changes in our world, we felt called for a profound renewal, like many other apostolic congregations. Therefore we reflected upon our special charism as Sisters of Divine Providence and looked for ways and forms of expression as to how we could, in a concrete way, answer the challenges of our time in Church and the world.
In our attempts to understand our charism more clearly, we experienced that, what unites all Sisters of Divine Providence from the very start of our Congregation up to the present time, is our apostolic spirit of faith in Divine Providence, our vocation to follow Jesus Christ and our openness to the working of the Holy Spirit. It has been granted to us to experience that our charism is still alive and that it will also in future enable us to give an answer to the concrete needs of the times. At the same time, however, we became aware of how much our charism demands from us, especially at the present time.