A triangle
in the middle three intersecting circles
a crown at the top
Alpha and Omega
- Greek letters –
symbolizing beginning and end
and a banner with Latin words.
Beneath the year of the foundation of the Congregation of Sisters of Divine Providence: 1842.
That’s what we see.
Perhaps the emblem could be interpreted like this:
From God – triune in His unity- we originate
and our way of life goes back to Him.
On this way of life, which we walk together with many people, God’s providence guides us.
The Latin text says this:
Tua providentia, Pater gubernat.
In English:
Your providence, Father, guides us.
He cares for us.
But that’s not all.
Since we are together on our way, we should care for each other as well – in His name, on
His behalf.
And perhaps we can find within this the deepest meaning of our life,
the deepest meaning of human life at all.
Symbol: Sr. Ignata Thewes